Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things from the Junkyard

Some more sneak peeks fro Ms Doody's Art Show III.
The show opens this Friday night and is open all weekend :)
Come one come all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Some WIPs for the Marvellous Ms Doody 3

Having taken part in the first two Ms Doody exhibitions I am taking a slightly different tack with the subject matter this time- the pieces are slightly more introspective and thoughtful than the usual cute stuff, but perhaps this is a natural evolution. Anyway, comments and critique are welcome.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Website Launched & Many Other Newses

Hello all from the far reaches of cyberspace.

I have been most remiss in posting, which is made all the worse because so much has been happening. I submitted a piece for the Schaffas 2 exhibition which you can see at as well as all the other crazy entries- some of which are outstanding! There is also a Schaffas Artbook which has photos of all the schaffas from the two exhibitions.

Tickle Me Zoo, the childrens' book I am illustrating is in the final stages of painting- just doing the covers. Ben Long and I recieved second place at the CYA writers' and illustrators' conference for Graphic Novels and Illustrated Children's Books.


A big thanks to Tom Need at 28smith for helping me host and build a great space for me to hang all my pictures up! Cheers Tommo! Here it is folks:

There are still a few things I want to tweak out, but it's up and available for viewing.

Coming in October, Friday 29th, Adelaide Illustrators presents: Illustre 2010- a showcase of Adelaide Illustration which will feature artwork by me! among others.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yukata in Autumn

A personal piece reminded me of some of the gardens I saw in Tokyo a while back- had a lot of roaming cats that seemed to own the place.

Acrylic on canvas.

Girls referenced from Yukata Style catalogue.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seeing Red

Some more lifies- brown paper prepared with red acrylic. Drawings with copics and soft pastels- about 10-15mins.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Drawings

Some Life Drawings from the Eastwood group
About 15mins each with acrylic and pastels on paper.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Peasant's Revenge

Something in the vein of L5R
May still need some tweaking on this, I'm really open to comments.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is a redo featuring some of the suggestions made by Drew- well pretty much all of them really. The image isn't exactly the same dimensions now but overall it works much better- thank you Drew.
I am gradually becoming more intuitive with digital paint- yay.

"A sword, a spade, and a thought should never be allowed to rust"
~ James Stephens
Irish poet and storyteller, 1882-1950

My interpretation of the above quote sees a young King or Emperor being taken out to a forgotten edge of the kingdom by his tutor to show him why this must be.

Digital paint.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ice Angel WIP

A purely digital paint with an attempt to get away from drawing and invest in a more painterly style with some moderately strong shadows, but with little or no black. A bit more to do I think. Comments welcome.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Top Scores

An editorial piece about video games and classical influences.
Sketch in pencil with digital colour.
The palette is subdued green grays with the red chosen to bounce off that.
Just trying to work up my digital painting skills and also develop a time effective process for digital work.